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HarperCollins Focus completed the acquisition of Cider Mill Press Book Publishers.


HarperCollins Focus, an operator of a collection of publishing imprints, completed the acquisition of Cider Mill Press Book Publishers, a publisher of quality, high-design, gift books. Financial terms were not disclosed. "This is a great moment in Cider Mill's history. This acquisition will help support the company's outstanding growth and expedite its expansion into new distribution channels. Finding a partner that would understand the unique and creative nature of Cider Mill's in-house publishing program, support the existing team that has been instrumental in its success, while providing a level of publishing talent, expertise, and established systems that the company could leverage for continued success was paramount. Within minutes of meeting with their team, both John III and I knew they would be the perfect partner. Naturally, I am incredibly grateful to turn the publishing reins over to my son, John, as he's been an instrumental part of the Cider Mill Press history since its founding," John Whalen, Cider Mill Founder.

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